Wednesday, September 10, 2008

College Beach Weekend

This past weekend was college beach weekend for the collegians of Mt. Angel Abbey + Seminary. This was my second year attending this event and it was held at Camp Meriweather/Clark near Pacific City, Oregon. The event is aimed to bring the collegians together and develop a greater sense of community for the year. Whether you have Pacific Islander, Asian, Hispanic or European ancestry you are ushered into the vibrant life of Mt. Angel. We spent the evenings of Friday and Saturday in cabins. We were located strategically next to the beach where we continued our tradition of having a bonfire every year. I also continued the incredibly fun tradition of renting a wet suit and bogey boarding during the afternoon. The majority of other seminarians visited the Tillamook Cheese Factory. As we departed on Sunday I felt that the goal of the event was achieved. I feel a lot stronger towards my college community and I am ready to take on the school year.

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